1. Introduction

The Magento 2.x version developed by Netresearch has reached its end of life. If you are still working with this version, you need to switch to Magento 2.x developed by our certified provider LimegrowThis will ensure that you remain PCI-compliant and benefit from new Magento developments. 

Switching to the Limegrow version means moving your settings (configurations, SHA passphrases, payment method settings and so on) and tokens from one version to the other. 

Thanks to our guide you will do it with ease! 

2. Choose your migration way

You can migrate the settings / tokens in two different ways. But first of all, make sure that you have installed and configured Magento 2. 

Once done, choose one migration way: 

  1. Via the Magento admin panelUse a tailor-made plugin with the familiar Magento user interface. It will use two simple buttons and a few php-commands to import/export your settings or/and tokens. You can migrate the settings / tokens separately or in one go. 
  2. Via the CLI (command-line interface)Run a few php-commands to export / import your settings / tokens using the Explorer / Importer program as described in 1). We recommend using this way if your need to migration more than 100.00 tokens and/or if you use a solution (ie. Cloudflare) that limit the web request time to 30 seconds

    3. Use Magento admin panel

    First import and then export your settings / tokens via the familiar Magento 2 interface.  

    Export your settings / tokens from your old Magento version: 

    • Download our Migration-m2-m2 plugin  
    • Extract it into directory /app/code/Ingenico/Migration of your deprecated Netresearch Magento 2 module. Make sure that file “registration.php” is located into directory /app/code/Ingenico/Migration/ 
    • Change the current directory to Magento root in your shell/terminal. Run the following commands 
    php bin/magento module:enable Ingenico_Migration –-clear-
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento cache:clean
    • Login to your Magento 2 admin panel. Go to Stores > Configuration > Ingenico Migration > Export. Set a value in “Password”. Remember this value, as you will need it when exporting the data 
    • Click on “Export”. A file will be downloaded and used for the import in the second step 

    Import the data from the file you downloaded:  

    • Install the aforementioned plugin as described above to your Limegrow Magento 2 module 
    • Login to your Magento 2 admin panel. Go to Stores > Configuration > Ingenico Migration > ImportEnter the password you defined in the first step in “Password”.  Click on “Choose file” to select the file you exported in the first step. Click on “Import”. 
    • The module processes the file. Once done, the message “Data successfully imported!” appears 
    • Go to Stores > General > Connection / Settings to doublecheck that all your settings have been migrated correctly 

    Should you need further technical assistance to complete your migration, contact our certified provider Limegrow. Please be aware that a charge may be exposed, as this is not supported by Worldline. 

    4. Use CLI

    First import and then export your settings / tokens via the command-line interface (CLI).

    Make sure that you have SSH access to use commands.

    Export your settings / tokens from your old Magento version: 

      • Download our Migration-m2-m2 plugin 
      • Extract it into directory /app/code/Ingenico/Migration of your deprecated Netresearch Magento 2 module. Make sure that file “registration.php” is located into directory /app/code/Ingenico/Migration/ 
      • Go to your command line and change to Magento 2 root directory 
      • Enter this command to get help from export tool:
    bin/magento ingenico:migration:export --help
      • The result will be
    Export Ingenico data (aliases, settings) into the file.
    ingenico:migration:export [options] Options:
    --file=FILE File
    --password=PASSWORD Password
    -h, --help Display this help message
      • Run the export by entering this command:
    php bin/magento ingenico:migration:export --file=./data1.dat --password=password123
      • Once the export starts, the command line will state

    Starting export...

    A file will be downloaded and used for the import in the second step

    Import the data from the file you downloaded. We use the placeholder “dump.data” in the following step

      • Install the aforementioned plugin as described above to your Limegrow Magento 2 module 
      • Move dump.data to the server where you have installed Limegrow Magento 2 
      • Change the directory to the Magento 2 root 
      • Enter this command to get help from export tool:
    bin/magento ingenico:migration:import --help
      • The result will be
    Imports Ingenico data (aliases, settings) into the database. 
    ingenico:migration:import [options] 
    --file=FILE File 
    --password=PASSWORD Password 
    -h, --help Display this help message 
      • Run the import by entering this command:
    php bin/magento ingenico:migration:import --file=./data1.dat --password=password123

    The result will be

    Loading the file... Decrypting... Initializing import ...... Importing configuration...Importing aliases... 0 [->--------------------------]Data successfully imported!
    • Should you need further technical assistance to complete your migration, contact our certified provider Limegrow. Please be aware that a charge may be exposed, as this is not supported by Worldline.